New Year Conversation Questions
New Year Conversation Questions. If you had another week of holidays, what would you do? Natalie and i have a new year's eve tradition of reflecting on the past and dreaming about the future.

Generally, people celebrate the beginning of the year as a time to celebrate the beginning of a an entirely new calendar. In the traditional calendar, the year of the new begins at the beginning the month. However, it can also be celebrated at any time of the year.
Romans had made promises to JanusAll through the centuries, Romans made promises to Janus for the coming year. They made sacrifices for Janus to exchange gifts for New Year's Day. They also made a resolution that usually was in the form of a promise to behave well during the next year.
According to Roman mythology, Janus had two faces one of which was forward-looking while the other looked toward the past. Janus was the protector of bridges, doors and thresholds. His two faces let him to see at the future as well as backwards simultaneously.
According the myth of the old days, among the top things to perform during New Year's Day was to establish a new resolution. In essence, it was an offer of goodwill to God in the upcoming year.
Ancient EgyptiansObserving festivals in Ancient Egypt were not just an attempt to increase your country's influence and wealth However, it also elevated individuals to a higher spiritual level. These celebrations also stressed the cycle of life.
Egyptians made their year count using the solar calendar which comprised a 365-day year and three seasons. The calendar of their civil government was divided into twelve months with thirty days each. Every month had a name after an important event that occurred in that month. In these festivals, government supplied food and drinks to the masses. Priests sang songs, served the gods, and conducted rituals to assure gods their goodwill.
ChineseXin Nian, also known as the Chinese New Year, is the most important holiday in China. The festival is celebrated for many months, and usually runs from January 21 to February 20 in the Chinese calendar.
Prior to the Chinese New Year individuals prepare the house and visit their relatives. Also, they eat special dishes and conduct rituals. The belief behind these rituals is that they get rid of the home of bad luck and dispel evil spirits.
A firework display can be seen in many places to ward off evil. Dancer dances also are done to bless the people.
This Chinese New Year also signifies the start of spring. People send good luck wishes, and pray for a favorable harvest.
CopticBetween all the old calendars among them, one of the oldest calendars, Coptic New Year is among the oldest. It was based on the ancient Egyptian calendar. The calendar also has a distinct spiritual flavour.
This Coptic New Year is celebrated on the first day of the Egyptian month of Thout. It is also known as the Feast of the Martyrs. It commemorates the sacrifices of martyrs and the beginning of a new year. This feast also honors the people who made a vow of faith their whole life. The church also celebrates to celebrate the Feast of the Cross, which is celebrated on the seventeenth day on the calendar.
The Coptic calendar is divided into three seasons: summer, the winter, and spring. Each season has a specific significance. Summer is the time for those Nile River floods. At this time when prayers are offered, people pray for the rise of the Nile River waters.
GermanThe traditional German new year is celebrated on the 31st of December. This is referred to as the Silvester. This name is from the fourth century pope Sylvester I. His feast day is celebrated on this day.
During the Silvester, Germans make preparations for the new year. They eat, drink and give presents of good luck. They also surround themselves with a variety of good luck charms.
The German New Year celebration is full of rituals based on animistic beliefs. Feuerworks are an additional element at the time of festivities. They could be private or government sponsored. They could be loud and flashy or calm and subtle. People all over the world have used fireworks.
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